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Passed On & Passed Over

Where did Diamond Dishes & Goblets come from you may ask?

Well, you might ask but here I am to finally answer & deliver.

It's been on my heart for awhile now to compose a Blog Article | Social Media Post to share with readers, renters, Brides, etc a glimpse into the backstory details of Diamond Rentals and where the majority of the Dishes and Goblets originated from.

If you read my other Blog articles or social media posts, you would have gathered some of the content behind the 'why' of Diamond Rentals and how it originated. The gist of it - it was a desire on my wedding date to supply guests with a nice place-setting. It was a desire to have Vintage China and goblets & provide a setting where many details and hearts poured into it. Thankfully last minute I was able to find a vendor near our venue location that could provide the service, however; a piece of me truly wanted to handle it myself. With the timing and strain of the wedding, I finally relinquished this desire and allowed the help. There was simply not enough time to obtain the number of dishes and goblets I needed for our special day, yet still receive the authenticity of each item and where it would be coming from. So, I was stuck. I had to be willing to pay that extra-extra price to the vendor to receive this service and obtain that fulfillment I truly desired.

Fast Forward to now.

There's a few details that lead me to where I am today. The first step? receiving a cold call on a Friday morning that my current position was eliminated with a staffing company I had been working at for three years. As you can imagine - this news didn't come easy for me. I was newly married and blessed to hold this remote position that allowed me to travel with my husband for his work - I truly enjoyed my role as a Recruiting Support Specialist. However, it was a contradicting feeling as well. After hanging up that call and taking a moment to break down in my husband's arms, I then thought 'Awesome. Time to dive into a new opportunity. Time to receive a job I'm passionate about. Time to do what I want!'. So here I am.

Diving into the Wedding / Event industry truly was never my first option or thought for myself, although; - it kept falling perfectly into my lap. And I mean PERFECTLY! From loved ones cheering me on and covering me in prayer, to laces & linens being willingly donated, to the location being perfectly ready and available, to the dishes then being stacked up in front of me - I was in awe. I was covered and consumed. I was being poured into, filled up, and loved beyond measure. The moment I would become weary - I would receive another 'yes', I would receive another 'I love your story - lets collaborate! let me help! let me give!".

So yes - the dishes came.

When I started the process of this new journey the bulk of it was ' where will I receive these dishes and goblets? 1 I knew I'm undeniably picky, but 2 I knew more than anything I wanted each and every piece to be hand-picked, authentically chosen, and holding a story. I didn't just want a stock inventory to rent out and bank on the money alone. I wanted the heart to be there more than anything. I wanted to be a blessing to the brides and not scheme more money off them on their special day - or anyone's special event day.

So what happened? Well, they quite literally fell into my lap- that's what happened. When searching for these items, I began searching all and I mean ALL over. From vintage, antique, thrifting stores, marketplace, and friends - my search and miles driven were endless. But that's where Donna comes in. One evening I was on marketplace and saw a dish set, and instantly fell in love. There were 3 sets in the listing, so I reached out. I have to start somewhere, right? Well, upon talking I then learn she has several more sets she was in the process of listing, and eagerly invited me to stop in to view / purchase. So, I drove. I hopped in my car on Sunday afternoon, invited my mother for the drive - and we set out. Only 30 miles away, and I struck a gold mine.

Upon arriving, the owner eagerly greets us, and takes us into her home, into her basement, and to a wall that is stacked, and I mean STACKED with boxes upon boxes of dishes. Each one labeled with a number and description. I remember instantly being overwhelmed, but entirely ecstatic also. Upon sorting through the dishes, teacups, and place settings, I ultimately uncover my reasoning for the dishes and heart behind the purchase.

Goosebumps. I was covered in goosebumps minutes later as she began to speak. She started to unleash the story of how she herself obtained all the dishes and goblets. She started to open up, and become vulnerable as my mother and I sat there and listened. She began to disclose a story, upon how her sister had been the original owner of each of these items. That years ago, her niece was killed in a car-accident. Just a week before graduation day. That was her sisters only child - her life. Upon losing her daughter, she herself began to lose life within her as well. She eventually got cancer, and the cancer then took over until there was nothing left. Just a story and a flat line. But she had a heart, she had a story, she had a desire, purpose, and passion in this world. Part of that - was these dishes. She had ultimately collected them all to do exactly what I'm here to do today. To supply them for events. From wedding showers, baby showers, weddings - she wanted to do it all.

But God.

The entire time Donna was uncovering these emotions and story with us, I just kept thinking ' this is it - how can it not be?'. All along I've had a heart for this - a heart to help ease this need for others. A heart to supply this service and be a blessing. A heart to care for each item and where it originated from. A heart for a story like this. Entirely this!

This story.

There are so many more details long my life story and this occurrence alone - but here I am. I had to at least sit down and share a piece of it with you today. An understanding of each piece itself. An understanding that when you may rent each item you aren't just renting a material object - but receiving an item on your special day that is filled with such a story and such love. A story and item that's meant to bless you and provide you more details on your day and jump start your life journey moving forward.

I believe as we travel in life - the greatest accomplishment and purpose is to love one another. To make a positive impact. To almost be as a mosaic window filled with so many bits and pieces from others we've collected along the way. To keep all these moments and hearts close - event past 6ft down.

Martha - lives on. She might have 'passed on' but her dishes have been passed over and will carry on. The love will carry on and continue to touch the lives of so, so many.

Always close in heart

Ashton Diamond

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